Hello WU Friends!
We are concerned that most startup employees are getting stress because of the pressure they are having in their working environment. Therefore, WU Hub and @sehatmental.id are collaborating to held one sharing day about how to manage stress for startup employees. You can learn a lot of things to manage it and make your work more enjoyable!
Workshop: Stress Management for Startup Worker
Date: 25/08/2018
Time: 10.30 - 13.00
Entry Fee: IDR 30K
1. Olphy Disya Arinda (COO sehatmental.id)
2. Nabilla Khansa Arfadhila (HR Operations Junior Lead Ruangguru)
Contact Person:
081282115354 (Faris)
081318397580 (Lavi)
More information about sehatmental.id, visit: www.sehatmental.id